
The Federal Inspectorate for Heavy Current Installations ESTI is an independent division of Electrosuisse, the Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies. It is operated as a separate unit by Electrosuisse on behalf of the Swiss government.

ESTI is a division of Electrosuisse that is tasked with public service functions and is assigned power of disposition. ESTI's tasks and powers are based on federal electricity legislation. ESTI is subject to supervision by the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC.

Daniel Otti, Director       

Nathalie Schuler, Administration

Business Units
Raphael Pampuch, Head of Legal Service
Felix Bischof, Head of Inspections
Severo Nicoli, Head of Market Surveillance/Safety Mark
Walter Hallauer, Head of Project Approvals
Jürg Schläpfer, Head of Application NIV

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Last edition: 21.08.2024