Market surveillance
We contribute to ensuring that only safe electrical equipment is sold on the market.
Our services
We perform market surveillance under the mandate of the Swiss government, which generally covers the following activities:
- Visit exhibitions and trade fairs, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and importers.
- Check advertisements for electrical products in brochures, technical journals, newspapers, and on the internet.
- Examine products that cause complaints.
- Provide information to manufacturers, distributors, and consumers about the technical requirements and statutory regulations regarding the placing of electrical equipment on the market, and the tasks and working practices of the inspection body.
As a result of market liberalization, this task has become more important. Through our activities, we ensure that electrical products on the market conform with the Ordinance for Electrical Low-Voltage Products (NEV). We thereby make an important contribution to the safety of electrical products, and therefore, to accident prevention and damage minimization.
Downloadable documents
Federal Council revises two ordinances relating to the electrical sector
Changes to legal basis for low voltage products and Ex-products
- Bulletin Electrosuisse/VSE 2/2016
Market surveillance, media releases in German
Verordnung über elektrische Niederspannungserzeugnisse (NEV) SR 734.26